Useful information
The Federation of Irish Beekeepers website is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in beekeeping in Ireland. Lots of useful guides and information for producers. Beekeeping is becoming more and more popular in Ireland with lots of small producers making for their own use and for local markets.
Teagasc is the agriculture and food development authority in Ireland. They have excellent information on the food industry and also have recipes for home producers of preserves and chutneys.
The role of Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, is to act as a link between Irish food, drink and horticulture suppliers and existing and potential customers throughout the world. Their objective is to develop markets for Irish suppliers and to bring the taste of Irish food to more tables world-wide.
An excellent web site for any of our customer selling in local farmers markets is the Irish Farmers Market Website.
All glass jars and bottles sold by Berlin Packaging Ireland Limited in modular packs need to be inverted and cleaned before use. We are often asked by our customers how to go about sterilising before use. Different customers have their own way of going about this but you may find this website very useful. It deals with Glass Sterilisation and has a lot of very useful information.
For all you budding beekeepers out there, Ireland’s one stop shop is Bee Keeping Supplies in Sandyford. Located just around the corner from Berlin Packaging Ireland Limited. is an Irish food recipe and wine website with easy to cook recipes, traditional Irish recipes, wine and ingredient features.